Einlass und Registrierung
Opening Speech
Florian Schlachter, CTO @ LOVOO
Migrating the New York Times Games Platform to AppEngine
Darren McCleary, Software Engineer @ New York TimesIn late 2016 a small team of engineers set out to completely rewrite the core of the NYTimes Crossword in Go and migrate it to GCP. In mid-2017, we achieved 100% traffic cutover with zero downtime for our 300K paying subscribers. We’ve cut our costs in half despite doubling our traffic in that time.
Multi-tenancy in SQL-on-Hadoop Clusters using Docker
Julian Eberius, Big Data Architect @ VodafoneStressed out because you need to run multiple installations of your Hadoop-based analytics solution, and operating one cluster is already a headache? I will present how we made our product multi-tenancy-aware and how we streamlined our operations process using Docker and declarative deployments.
Data Engineering at Scale
Henry Clifford, CTO @ LiveData Science will let you do amazing things, but only if you have the right data and easily accessible. In this talk we’ll cover how to model data in a way that your datascience team can extract insight from, how to retrieve and store your data and data science input/outputs in a manner that scale.
A "Hands Off" approach for Kubernetes Deployments
Rodrigo Reis, Senior Software Developer @ ZalandoI will present Zalando’s “Hands-Off” approach for production deployments using Kubernetes hosted on AWS. The talk will describe the main challenges we had to ship applications to production environments in a compliant and secure way, and at the same time with ease of use to the developers.
Local Machine Learning on Mobile Devices with CoreML
Michael Berg, Mobile Engineer @ LOVOONowadays Machine Learning is everywhere! But up until recently these machine learning models where mainly running on servers. This talk tries to change that! We will learn how easy it is to integrate Machine Learning Models on your smartphone. The Talk is targeted towards mobile engineers that never did machine learning before as well as data scientists that never did development on mobile devices.
Meetup Expo Intro Sessions
Breakfast & Networking
After the Hype – Big Data im Kontext der Unternehmens-Realität (German)
Andreas Hufenstuhl, Director Big Data & Advanced Analytics PwCNach der Ernüchterung über erste, oftmals rein IT getriebene Leuchtturmprojekte. Wie können Big Data Projekte und Lösungen erfolgreich platziert und umgesetzt werden?
Containers first - Make Testing great again (German)
Dr. Mirko Seifert, CEO @ DevBoostDocker hat in den letzten Jahren die Art und Weise wie wir Software ausliefern revolutioniert. Aber Docker ist darüberhinaus ein Werkzeug, das auch beim Testen von Anwendungen extrem nützlich sein kann.
Introduction to Google Firebase
Alex Erfurt, GoogleLearn how Firebase - Google’s unified app development platform - helps developers quickly build high quality apps and grow their business across iOS, Android and Web.
Continue: Containers first - Make Testing great again (German)
Fast Dive into React Native Development
Vladimir Ivanov, Lead Software Engineer @ EPAM SystemsCross-platform technologies are a doubt for native mobile developers failing on their own promises. React Native though gives us native look and feel, performance but require only one code base for both iOS and Android project. The talk is about how to get started and create a simple application.
SCONE: Secure Container Technology
Christof Fetzer, Head of the Systems Engineering Chair @ TU DresdenSCONE is a platform to build and run secure applications with the help of Intel SGX (Software Guard eXtensions). SCONE can run unmodified applications such that data is always encrypted, i.e., all data at rest, all data on the wire as well as all data in main memory is encrypted.
Lunch & Networking
Integrating React Native into existing native apps
Johannes Braun, Head of Mobile Engineering @ LOVOOReact Native is a powerful framework to kickstart a new mobile project with cross platform support. But what if you have already existing legacy projects in place? How can you incorporate React Native as a new technology - which possibilities are there and where are the pitfalls? All these questions and more will be addressed in this talk.
Let's have some fun with chat bots!
Marcus Fihlon, Agile Coach and Software Engineer @ CSS InsuranceA lot of companies are investing in chat bots. In this workshop, we will develop a fully functional chat bot from scratch with support for formatted messages, photos, documents, locations, buttons, custom keyboards and more. No slides, just code – and a lot of fun…
Migrating compliant datacenters
Christian Jantz, Open Source nativeStories, learnings and things to consider when migrating enterprise application stacks deployed over two owned datacenters to AWS whilst pushing towards PCI compliance certification.
Continue: Let's have some fun with chat bots!
Kubernetes Ingress in production
Sandor Szücs, Software Engineer @ ZalandoAt Zalando we run 66 Kubernetes clusters in AWS.
Ingress objects are enough to provision ALBs, do advanced HTTP routing and create DNS records.
I will show how to support green-blue deployments, A/B testing, shadow traffic and feature toggles with the current ingress and our OpenSource tools.
Introduction to TensorFLow Lite
Alex Erfurt, GoogleTensorFlow™ - an open source software library for numerical computation - is a tool for machine learning. TensorFlow Lite is the lightweight solution for mobile and embedded devices. It enables on-device machine learning inference with low latency and a small binary size.
Coffee Break & Networking
Artificial intelligence in action (German)
Torsten Hartmann, CEO @ Avantgarde LabsKünstliche Intelligenz wird in den kommenden 10 Jahren fundamentale Veränderung in unserem Leben verursachen. Der Vortrag beleuchtet aktuelle Hot topics der KI-Forschung und stellt verfügbare KI-Services sowie aktuelle Anwendungsfälle verschiedener Branchen vor.
Application Deployment with Helm
Axel Köhler, Senior Software Developer @ KiwigridRunning applications in Kubernetes is great. But every application has to be deployed and upgraded. Let’s see how Helm can help us by managing deployments!
From Oops
to NoOps 
Robert Douglass, Industry Veteran @ platform.shOn the art of not getting Equifaxed
So, you don’t want to lose the personal data of 145 million customers due to having the world’s worst digital security culture in the history of mankind? Bad news for you: your managers and consultants have probably got it all wrong.
Null => DynamoDB => PostgreSQL: ein Erfahrungsbericht (German)
Maksim Gudow, Lead Developer @ OSP DresdenNeues Projekt, Microservice-Architektur, dynamische Daten… die perfekten Zutaten für eine NoSQL-Datenbank. Die kurzerhand getroffene Entscheidung DynamoDB zu nehmen hat sich nicht bewährt. In diesem Talk möchte ich unsere Erfahrungen und die letztendliche Migration zu PostgreSQL vorstellen.
Test the untested - our journey from zero coverage to automated testing
Anton Augsburg, UX Design Lead & Lifecycle Manager Mobile Platforms @ VodafoneDo you fear changes in the shape of a monster legacy code base? Do you have zero test coverage and don’t know how to regain safety in your day-to-day work? Come to this talk and get insights from the developers of a million client SDK who solved this problems without a whole rewrite.
Applying serverless architecture pattern to distributed data processing
Denis Makogon, Principal Software Developer @ OracleIn this talk we will go through whole “serverless” thing: from decomposing app and its logic to microservices and further to smaller bits, i.e. functions to defining data flow through functions and building their fault-tolerant pipeline.
Closing Talk
Florian Schlachter, CTO @ LOVOO